Thursday, December 17, 2009

[Poem]: Untitled 013

This just happened to keep me up tonight. It's completely unfinished but a definite start to something. I'm hoping to submit some poetry to the literary magazine at my University, so I figure I should get some material under my belt.


Maker-Breaker stands before me
in ever-looping segments of visage;
tossing, weaving, setting aside
the thousand pieces of tidal waves,
that disinclined to create themselves,
lay in rapture upon the stones

making amends, or rectifying the
courses, pathways, crossroads and trails
in which they once believed they did right.

And in the drowning and sputtering
of undaunted casualness, a body lies
its tendrils of sodden jade mane
entangling in the eddies that tumble
at the basin beneath my weathered feet

which knowing no journey to consume
lull themselves into the chant, hymn, descant
of the Breaker who calls for me to jump as well.

[Poem]: Window

Found this while searching through some scraps from my poetry workshop a couple years back. Completely forgot about it and still love it. It needs work.


He only wants to escape
from the espresso cane of a woman
who, though blinded by age and wisdom
is a fighter, and a Believer
for a cause only sightless eyes can see.

If he could
he would sneak through the postern
of their ancient apartment building
like a bear through a waste can
sifting to find anything that was hidden
behind the oppressive bricks.

He could meander through the streets
with nothing to mar the sight
of the sea gray sky as the clouds
dip and curve and move and bend
beneath the sphere of the earth.

For when he gets there he finds
there is nothing, but ambivalent sky
and something like a bitter taste in the air
that swallows his tongue whole
with no creed nor care nor soft graze
and only chokes for the sake of the touch.

and so together, in searching they both
find the end and the mean and the path
through a window on the seventh floor
of the building where everything began.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Review: Fire by Kristin Cashore


Once in awhile, I'll post a little something about the books I've been reading recently. This isn't a reviewers blog, but I think as far as writing goes, it helps to see the kind of books that writers read that give them inspiration.

Just today I finished Fire by Kristin Cashore. I've actually had this book for a while and started it back when, but lots of stuff prevented me from finishing it. I finally did and can I say how much a breath of fresh air Cashore is.

I've been finding it rather difficult to find Young Adult novels that don't feel forced, or ones that I can see their bones. I've been trying to decide if I should stop reading YA altogether, but then I'll find a Holly Black or a Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, Stephenie Meyer, etc and my faith will be reassured! What I love about Cashore's books is that she isn't afraid to let you see the emotions and the politics and she ties all of these together. What I also like is that she shows you the real parts of characters and their flaws. Perhaps that is what I feel is missing in a lot of YA, that the characters never make really big, emotional mistakes. Consequences are never really big and there are never bad consequences to the things they do. Somehow things always turn out okay. Cashore has more respect for her writing to not let this happen, and it changes her characters. They go through life just as we do.

I found myself getting lost sometimes in the battle talk and politics of Fire, but that's mostly me as I do really enjoy the technical aspects of fantasy novels, but I personally get bored/lost after awhile. That is probably the only "bad" thing I could say about the book. I love that this book straddles that line of "YA". Really, what makes anything young adult fiction? Sometimes I wish that there were more YA novels that had more serious topics in them as this one did. Those are the ones that I look out for and nab if I can. I have a stack of about 40+ books to read and Ill tell you now that probably 20 of them I'm not going to like because good lord YA authors, but some more depth and consequences in your books. That's what makes them so amazing. And please don't make me migrate to the adult section. Bleh.